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2025 be the good daily life and wondrous adventures global citizen interconnectedness jeudi cornejo brealey jeudi the vintage-voiced chanteuse new projects shine your light welcome post world citizen Feb 10, 2025

Welcome, I'm Jeudi Cornejo Brealey. People call me the “Vintage Voiced Chanteuse”. In reality, I’m an intersectional artist, entertainer, storyteller, lost-music purveyor & heirloomist, known for my signature vintage-style. The daughter and granddaughter of Latin immigrants, I create at the crossroads of past & present, taking comfort in rootedness, yet delighting in the new and wondrous. I aim to be a conscious force for good by creating atmospheric works that re-enchant the world, offer hope, invite joy & delight. I'm committed to community, illumination and wonder. My work centers on themes of Love, Family, Identity and Spirit.

Here’s a little more about my background and what you can expect to read here… I am an indie musician and theatre maker. Together with my husband, Paul Hemstreet, I created "Home and Yonder" which is the producing wing for our varied creative endeavors, founded by us, two optimistic storytellers. We share stories of daily life & wondrous adventures to inspire, lift and extend ripples of positivity, way out yonder. We officially launched this venture in 2012, but truly it has it's roots in the founding of our family 33 years ago.

As intersectional artists, who met in grad school at CalArts, we specialize in storytelling in all it's forms, believing that the story dictates the medium. We're creative and deep thinkers with varied expertise. At our core, we're curious and love to learn, explore and share our daily life and wondrous adventures. We're all about expanding horizons and sharing insights in the hopes that we can help others. Home is central, but so is the rich community we create with people in places near and far. We're wanderlusty, enjoying fresh experiences and new cultures.

We're also nostalgic and find comfort and guidance in the lessons and history of the past. To that point, we're family archivists and documentarians and historic time-travelers, who love to dress for an occasion and frequent the vintage scene, mining it for nuggets, while keeping a contemporary progressive mindset.

Our training is in the visual and performing arts and sciences. We've been blessed to have had rich and varied experiences that have made the world seem closer, kinder and full of friends. Collectively we've worked professionally in the music, theatre, film, fashion, beauty, art, photography, literary, education and food hospitality industries! We've studied and lived abroad in France and Germany. We've worked in National and State Parks. We've also worked in major cities such as New York, London, Paris, Minneapolis, San Diego and Los Angeles. It's been a good ride, but not always smooth.

We're resilient. As a family, we've navigated through the chronic pain of endometriosis; IVF; having premie twins born two months early; and finding answers and therapies that allowed our kids to overcome early struggles with Asperger's and succeed in becoming their best selves. In the year preceding the covid pandemic , we survived 8 deaths in the family, job downsizing and a recovery from breast cancer amidst the Covid lockdown. Despite these challenges, we've never lost our faith or faltered in our optimism. We have wit and stoicism in good measure, and a corgi companion, to make it all better. We're Californians. We live in a place where people believe in reinvention, ingenuity, imagination and creative possibilities. Now is a good time to own this mindset and to reconnect with history to meet the future together.

As we head further into the decade, we are owning this California mindset and rethinking and re-envisioning our future. That means refocusing our brand to reflect where we are now, and also where we'd like to be in the next 10 years. It's exciting. Spend some time with us and you might find yourself going to places you had long forgotten, or seeing things in a different way. You might find the peace you crave, right where you are, at home. Or you might dust off your compass and set off on a new journey, armchair or otherwise. Follow the journey as our vision grows in fresh new ways to transport, engage, encourage and inspire you.


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