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"Reminiscent of the great chanteuses of the past, right here in the present".

"Jeudi is a heart-warming performer who will cast you in her spell !!!  Her soothing lyrical voice has wit and charm. With her beaming smile, Jeudi brings joy to her audience".  

-Peisha McPhee, Vocal Coach, American Idol


"Vintage-voiced Jeudi sounds at home in all of these decades but certainly evokes the old school "thrush" who sang with the band...


There's a smile in the lady's voice and her contented perspective seems to be influenced by the wearing of rose-colored glasses. "

​-Rob Lester, Talkin' Broadway

Wanderlusty for the romance, glamour and grace of another time?


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Hi! I’m Jeudi. 

So happy you're here!


People call me "The Vintage-Voiced Chanteuse". I'm actually an intersectional artist, entertainer, nostalgia peddler, lost-music purveyor, heirloomist and time-traveling troubador known for my signature vintage style.


I was raised in a large Latin family in East San Diego. I'm a daughter and granddaughter of immigrants.


I create at the crossroads of past and present, taking comfort in rootedness, yet delighting in the new and wondrous. My aim is to be a conscious force for good by creating atmospheric works that re-enchant the world, offer hope and invite joy & delight. I'm committed to community, illumination and wonder. My work centers on themes of Love, Family, Identity and Spirit.

Learn more


Shop My Record Store

Feeling Nostalgic? 

Craving Comfort? 

Might I prescribe a tuneful tonic for your soul? My album "Winter Was Warm" is filled with swinging & sentimental  songs that will lift your spirits, no matter the season. Get a jump-start on joy.

Buy the CD

 “I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach.” 

-Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol 
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The Bijou moving picture show 

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" Jeudi is not your typical singer of standards or the American Songbook, she is a vintage singer who takes great care in researching source material and sharing her discoveries. "

-Joe Bebco, Editor, Syncopated Times


"I am so in awe of the work you do in researching music and accessing songs. These playlists are gold. People need to know how awesome you are, if they don't already. You are a treasure!"

-Margot Gerber, Past President, Art Deco Society of Los Angeles

Join my private community.
Get aboard & your first sojourn to the stars is on me...
Join my list and I'll gift you a free MP3 digital download of "Stardust".  


Rest assured, we'll be traveling 1st class: no spam will be served.

I'm an

Intersectional Artist

Click the photos to explore different paths 

The Vintage-Voiced Chanteuse

I sing salvaged, sweet jazz, sourced from a time when the dance floor was the ultimate social platform, and the prospect of romance was just a Fox Trot, Charleston, or Lindy Hop away.

Love Outshines the Moon

A chance meeting on the pier and next thing, they're radio reality stars of the Jazz Age.  It's whole-hearted happiness, high-jinks & hilarity in this developing merry musical told thru Tin Pan Alley tunes.



Home and Yonder

Where the magic happens.

Home & Yonder is the producing wing for our varied creative endeavors, founded by optimistic storytellers. We share stories of daily life & wondrous adventures to inspire, lift and extend ripples of positivity, way out yonder. We all bring different gifts to the table. Take a look.


Jeudi's Blog

Come along with me as I explore a myriad of subjects. You'll find that these posts are often time traveling in nature, but the perspective is fresh and doesn't wax nostalgic for imagined  good old days.

It's Reflective, Retrospective, but never Retrograde. 


Look and Listen
by clicking on logos.